
I like to write about books, music I enjoy, places I've traveled to, and digital marketing.

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Marketing News: February 1, 2018

Marketing news, articles, and blog posts I found most interesting today. Key performance indicators (KPIs) – focus on your organization’s—or department’s—top diagnostic measures, those critical factors that contribute to staying in business (source: Christopher S. Penn) Structure content – content marketers should consider creating content in unformatted chunks (content modules) that they can change in just one place …

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Marketing News: January 1, 2018

Marketing news, articles, and blog posts I found most interesting today. Content marketing trends in 2018 – “aha” moments: create quality content on a regular basis, air your ideas even if they evolve later instead of aiming for perfection now, and conduct original research and publish it (source: Content Marketing Institute) Instagram marketing trends in 2018 – …

Book Review: “Dark Summit” by Nick Heil

In his book Dark Summit, Nick Heil described the events of the controversial 2006 Mount Everest climbing season, when 11 people died on the mountain. An experienced mountain climber, skiing and climbing instructor, and outdoor writer, Heil interviewed both the principals involved (those who survived) and those on the periphery (some of whom contributed to …

Marketing Strategy Certificate

Woohoo! Got my Marketing Strategy certificate today from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. ABOUT THE BLOG AUTHOR In addition to being a writer, Marinela Miclea runs Mendo Digital, a digital marketing agency that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO), eCommerce, social media, and website optimization. She’s passionate about books, music, social justice, and …